If you need assistance with anything regarding dogs, cats, or other domesticated pet or farm animals, you will need to contact your county or city Animal Control office (a courtesy list has been provided below). Dr. Critter deals only with wildlife, rodents, and other non-domesticated creatures that are not considered "personal property”.
Animal Control and the Humane Society are government agencies that your tax monies fund to assist you with these matters. Only government agencies may deal with animals that are considered "personal property” or "trespass livestock”.
Keep in mind that these agencies normally answer their phones from 8am to 5pm, Mon day thru Friday. If you require assistance outside of those hours, you can contact your local Sherriff Department at their non-emergency phone number. The Sheriff Department has the ability to contact the "on-call” animal control officer after-hours that handles night and weekend situations.
If you have any trouble reaching one of these agencies or getting them to willingly help you, please do NOT call Dr. Critter offices for assistance. Unfortunately, these animals do not fall under our jurisdiction and we can only refer you back to the agencies we’ve suggested.